The image below along with the numbered descriptions listed to the right will explain some of the important details and information that you can find within your monthly bill. This bill format is easy to read and allows for better energy usage data with all the important details at the top of the page. If you have any questions, please contact the office.

- Contact Information: Ways to contact us about your bill or account are clearly noted on your bill. You can always reach us at (641) 747-2206 or at
- Account Summary: The most important information regarding your bill is placed inside a circle in the top center of your bill. Accounts with past due notices will be flagged with a red circle and red text indicating when a payment must be received to avoid a late fee.
- Service Address: The address where the meter is providing service for this bill. This may be different than the mailing address.
- Meter Readings: This table shows meter data associated with the current bill. It indicates your service type, meter number, and meter readings. This is your actual energy usage and demand usage for the billing period. We measure energy usage in kilowatt hours (kWh) and demand usage in kilowatts (kW).
- Account Activity: Any changes to your account since your last billing statement, including your most recent payment.
- Billing Details: A detailed listing of the charges on your current bill. If you have been assessed a late fee, it will appear here.
- Important Messages: This area displays messages related directly to your account or service, and other messages from the utility.
- Payment Stub: If you are paying by check, please return this stub with your payment to ensure the payment is properly credited to your account. The payment stub also provides you with your
account number, account summary, and amount due. - Billing Summary: This section provides the account balance. If there is a past due amount, it will be clearly shown.
- Energy Usage Comparison: The amount of energy you consumed during this billing period compared with the previous billing period and with the same billing period a year ago.
- Graph of Electric Usage vs. Temperature: This graph shows your monthly energy usage over the past 13 months compared with the temperature. You can use this information to track and manage your usage. We recommend comparing your usage for the current period to the same period last year. The more difference there is between the temperature outside and the thermostat setting inside, the harder your heating and/or cooling system will have to work and the more energy it will use, even if you don’t adjust the thermostat.
- Explanation of Charges for Residential Customer Service Charge: A fixed monthly charge covers the costs for billing and collections, metering, and meter reading. Purchased Power/Kwh: The cost of your electricity alone for the month. Distribution Delivery/Kwh: The cost to distribute electricity to you. Power Cost Adjustment (PCA): This adjustment is made monthly, based on the fluctuating fuel costs for generating power. County Tax: The county you live in collects a tax on your electric service.
- Payment Options:
Online: Click “Pay My Bill” at
Mobile App: Download the SmartHub app in your mobile device app store
AutoPay: Schedule your auto payment on the 21st of the month
Phone: Call 641-747-2206 during business hours
Mail: Mail your pay stub and check to PO Box 7, Guthrie Center, IA 50115
Drop Box: Deliver your payment to our secure dropbox at our office
In Person: Visit us in Guthrie Center Monday through Friday 8am-4:30pm